Jefferson County, Arkansas – Following the failure of county authorities to approve the budget during Monday night’s Quorum Court meeting, Jefferson County government activities have been suspended.
A number of budget suggestions were addressed during the meeting, including one that was submitted for the sheriff’s office and another that was suggested by Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson.
“The budgets they attempted to pass were full of inconsistencies and illegal things,” Robinson said in a phone interview, expressing his disagreement with the opposing budget.
Sheriff Lafayette Woods Jr., meanwhile, claims in a statement that the budget was a team effort and that the judge’s proposal “includes drastic and unjustified pay cuts” for financing for the sheriff’s office, jail operations, law enforcement, and health and safety.
Nedra White, who has spent her entire life in Pine Bluff, believes that “it’s a power struggle.”
“I believe that instead of making snap decisions that impact more people than themselves, the judge and other parties involved should just sit down and talk,” White stated.
According to officials, more than 300 workers are affected by the shutdown and will not be paid. Only essential employees are currently needed to work, but according to a number of judicial authorities, many employees nonetheless showed up for work.
Mattie Collins of Pine Bluff claims that more people are paying attention to this problem than the county’s leaders are aware of.
“Our youth are observing our business practices,” Collins stated.
The Quorum Court has encountered disagreements in the past, so this is not the first one. White, though, says he hopes this is the final one.
“Hopefully, they’ll come up with a better idea than closing, so those who have worked for something can get it,” White stated.
Although many county residents say they are unsure of when a budget will be passed, some politicians express their desire to do so.