Little Rock, Arkansas – The local streets are still slippery and hazardous even as the Arkansas Department of Transportation applies rock salt to help break up and dissolve the snow on state highways and interstates.
In the Heights neighborhood, Mark Ballie and Tiffany Weinkopff reside on a hill. They so witness firsthand how hazardous driving can be when the snow falls, melts, and then freezes.
People frequently drive up our street and wind up having to reverse out, according to Ballie. “And it’s fairly easy to slide onto a busy road because Markham is at the bottom of our hill.”
Neighborhood roads rely on the people who live there, while ARDOT maintains those big routes. Caroline Miller, for example, has her own way of getting around Little Rock.
“My Minnesota neighbor taught me to take the powdered snow and shovel some of that behind your tire, just to get traction if we get stuck,” Miller remarked.
For Miller, it’s a shove and a four-wheel drive. Others find it involves a different form of initiative.
“We walked around our neighborhood, where accidents happen at these hilly intersections, and we salted them ourselves,” Weinkopff added.