Little Rock, Arkansas – There are mountainous parts of Little Rock, and residents along Reservoir Road occasionally have to take a chance and drive in the winter, but others, like Cynthia Knox, are choosing to stay here.
Knox remarked, “It’s like bumper cars.”
When attempting to climb hills on a reservoir road in the snow, you run the risk of slipping and sliding.
Knox stated, “People believe they can climb the hill, but they only reach halfway up, and if it’s icy, they slide back down into the ditch.”
Knox is all too familiar with the scene.
According to Knox, “The next car says, ‘Oh, I can make it.’ They go up the hill and slide down, right back into the previous car.”
Cory Jones explains that sometimes you have to leave, but she doesn’t want to take any chances. It’s another matter entirely whether you get up or not.
Jones declared, “We have slid down.” “After climbing the hill about halfway, we had to switch it to neutral and descend again.”
The hills are a child’s paradise but a traveler’s nightmare.
Our kids can sled on the hill on the opposite side of our house, which is a blessing. There are no automobiles there. Snow usually covers it,” Jones remarked.